PARKING training course

Price 99 €

You will never have problem to:

  • angle park;
  • 90 degrees park;
  • parallel park;
  • or to park in an underground garage;
  • 4 x 45 min

Does it take you ages to park or turn properly or do you, in general, lack confidence when reversing? In the ELITE driving school, we can help.
The parking training course is designed for the drivers who have already held a driving license but do not feel confident when parking or need to brush up on their skills.

This course is to teach you the right tricks to manage parking when having just a limited space. Led by a skilled instructor, you will become confident and will never have problem with angle, 90 degrees or parallel parking or with parking in an underground garage.


  • Min. 18 years of age
  • Holder of Group B driving license